Multigen Creator  FAQs 1 thru 50

FAQs 1 thru 50  FAQs 51 thru 100  FAQs 101 thru 150  FAQs 151 thru 200

    This unofficial Multigen Creator FAQ Part 2 ( 51 thru 100) is provided by Gordon Tomlinson , I hope you find the information contained with these FAQ's useful and helpful

    If you have a tip, FAQ or code snippet  etc you would like to share you can send it me at and I will add to the FAQ, or if you spot an error in a FAQ or a change in Creator that makes a topic out dated let me know and I will get the items updated


  1. Help Creating VASI lights Systems
  2. How to Convert a Flight  File to a Contour Map
  3. How to  Retrieve a DOF nodes Center Position
  4. How to Retireve a DOF nodes Orientation
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  23. What are T-Verts
  24. Why Are T-Verts Bad
  25. How to remove/Prevent T-Verts




* 51  *   Help Creating VASI lights Systemsb


    VASI lights can be constructed in Creator using Light Points and Light Strings. Both can be created from the Light Point tool. In the Create tool caddy, pick Create Light Point. Press F1, then click on the Create Light Point button to launch help about light points to get more information about specific types and attributes.

    As far as what VASI means, here are some links that may be useful:

    • Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids - documentation from the FAA, see section 2.1.2a.
    • Light Points - documentation about light points by SGI for Performer. Not all Performer attributes are supported in OpenFlight but some of the metadata here is useful, and many of the attributes are used in Creator/OpenFlight.
    • Approach Lights - another write-up about approach lighting, has some notes about the VASI system that may be useful


* 52  * How to convert a Flight  File to a Contour Map  b

* 53  *   b


* 54  *   b


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