Multigen Creator |
If you have a tip, FAQ or code snippet etc you would like to share you can send it me at faqs@3dscenegraph.com and I will add to the FAQ, or if you spot an error in a FAQ or a change in Creator that makes a topic out dated let me know and I will get the items updated
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VASI lights can be constructed in Creator using Light Points and Light Strings. Both can be created from the Light Point tool. In the Create tool caddy, pick Create Light Point. Press F1, then click on the Create Light Point button to launch help about light points to get more information about specific types and attributes. As far as what VASI means, here are some links that may be useful:
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Out of the box, Creator does not have a tool that will just do this. However there are a couple of options: 1) Using the attribute search functionality, you could search for all vertices whose z value is in a certain range (this range would correspond to one elevation band of your contour map). Given these vertices, it is easy to select the corresponding faces, then simply set the color on those faces to the color corresponding to that elevation band. This may get tedious if you have many many elevation bands. 2) Using the OpenFlight API, you could create a plugin that does this all in one shot. Same idea, just look through the database for vertices with specific z values, and color the parent faces according to where that z value falls in your elevation bands. Some links to third party tools that can create contour maps with include: http://3dfmaps.com/ http://super3.arcl.ed.ac.uk/baspmirror/basp.html http://teachserv.earth.ox.ac.uk/resources/s_earth.html http://www.simtel.net/category.php?id=135 http://www.geog.le.ac.uk/assist/grass/source/ http://www.geomantics.com/free.html http://www.geog.nottingham.ac.uk/~mather/useful/Computing.html http://www.profantasy.com/products/ft_features.asp http://www.see.ed.ac.uk/~vision/links/fileformats_faq.html http://www.webeverything.co.uk/directory/5734.html MicroDEM is another tool that might help you do this. http://www.usna.edu/Users/oceano/pguth/website/microdem.htm You should be able to do this in MG's terrain tools. Convert your terrain to ded and then bring the ded file into the terrain generator. It should have different colors based on the height. You could then take a screenshot of this image and then bring a bmp into MicroDEM. One option would be to convert your ded to dem and then bring it to MicroDEM but I can find no tool to do the ded to dem or even an rgb conversion.
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